Wednesday 16 October 2013

Sunday 8 September 2013

Jade Jupiter / Counter Scorpio / Burn Wolf .

This is a movie of Scorpio vs Wolf

This is a movie of Dynamis.  ( die-nam-us. ) and his bey, Jade Jupiter

Twisted Befall

This is twisted Befall. He has a spin track like kerbacs' spintrack. the movie shows him battling L-Drago.


This is L-Drago's proper mode, It can switch from attack to Defence. 

These are one of the L-Drago's tip modes, It can allso switch from Attack to Defence.

beyblade geeks

These are the beyblade geeks. This is not all of there beyblades, but they are made from diffent beys mixed together.

Cold battles

This is an epic battle in the snow

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Lego bey things

If you don't have a bey ripper and you have lego this is how to make a ripper out of lego. (cool eh) 

It might look a bit like the picture on the left.

If you have these lego bits you may be able
to make a lego bey. But I don't know if it can fit on a ripper.